UGC NET YOGA: Year 2019 Solved Paper
UGC NET YOGA- These Junior Research Fellowship & Assistant Professor Eligibility exam held on 2019. Download UGC NET YOGA Solved MCQ in English.
26. Out of the five upprana which of the following prana eases the abdominal pressure:
A. Dhananjay B. Karma
C. Naga D. Devdutta
27. In which of the following scriptures do we find elucidation of ‘Vyompanchak’?
A. Hath Pradipika
B. Gherand samhita
C. Siddhasiddhant Paddhati
D. Patanjal yog Dharshan
28. In which chapter of ‘Siddha Siddhant Paddhati’ sadhguru has been referred to:
A. First chapter B. Third chapter
C. Fourth chapter D. Fifth chapter
29. How many types of ‘Mukhya nadis’ have been referred to in Goraksha Samhita?
A. Ten B. Eleven
C. Eight D. Five
30. With which practive of Hath Pradeepika the pace of sustained momentum of Mahakhag is interrupted and is induced to gain momentum in sushumna?
A. Jalandhar Bandh
B. Mool Bandh
C. Uddiyan Bandh
D. Jihuwa Bandh
31. In shiva samhita which of the following nadi has been referred to as UPADHIROOPA of the body:
A. Sushumna B. Chitra
C. Kuhu D. Hastayihuva
32. According to Gherand Samhita Shambhavi Mudra leads to the attainment of:
A. Naad yoga
B. Laya yoga
C. Dhyan yoga
D. Rasanand yoga
33. “Antecedent of a personality is a personality in itself’. This statement refers to which of the following theories:
A. Personality theory of HJ. Eysenek
B. Personality theory of Gorden Allport
C. Personality theory of Henry Murrey
D. Personality theory of Kart Lewin
34. According to which of the following theories of psychologists a person is able to perceive only certain few stimulli as one is able to collect limited information at a given time:
A. Daihik Upagam
B. Soochana Sansadhan
C. Nirdesh Awastha Upagam
D. Kritrim Buddhi Upagam
35. The duct of which gland is called Stenson‘ Dust?
A. Pancreas
B. Adrenal Gland
C. Parotid Gland
D. Pituitary Gland
36. Hypothalamus is located in which part of Brain?
A. Fore Brain B. Mid Brain
C. Brain Stem D. Hind Brain
37. In human body the fourth cranial nerve is:
A. Trigeminal B. Trochlear
C. Abducens D. Hypoglossal
38. In human body the total number to Thoracic Vertebrae are:
A. 12 B. 7
C. 5 D. 10
39. In adults, which disease occurs due to deficiency of Vitamin D?
A. Kerato malacia
B. Osteomalacia
C. Rickets
D. Osteoporosis
40. Which milk is the richest source of protein?
A. Buffalo's milk
B. Cow's milk
C. Goat's milk
D. Human'’s (Woman's) milk
41. According to Maharshi Patanjali Karmashaya is mainly attributed to which of the following factors?
A. Sorrow
B. Anxiety
C. Klesh
D. Vikshipta Chittawastha
42. Hormone secreted by a-cells of the Pancreas is:
A Insulin B. Thyroxin
C. Glucagon D. Adrenaline
43. Healthy tone is the outcome of which of the following the types of yogic Asana?
A. Sharir Samvardhnaitmak
B. Dhyan dhamatmak
C. Shithilatmak
D. Shithtlatmak and dhyan dharnatmak
44. As per the book ‘Yogabhayason Ki Adhyapan Vidhsyan’ how many kinds of Adhyapan vidhiyas are there?
A. four B. five
C. six D. seven
45. Name the Kriya which is called secret according to Hathyoga Pradipika?
A. Neti B. Dhauti
C. Kapalabhati D. Trataka
46. According to Hathayoga Pradipika, Name the pranayama that can be practiced even while moving and sitting:
A. Plavini B. Murchha
C. Ujjayi D. Bhastrika
47. Placing both soles (of the feet) on the inner side of the thighs, sitting equipoised with a straight body, it known as:
A. Padmasana
B. Siddhasana
C. Swastikasana
D. Gorakshasana
48. According to Hatha Pradipika, in Nishpatti Awastha of Nadanusandhan which type of nada mantfests:
A Bheri B. Veena
C. Mardal D. Vimarda
49. According to Gherand Samhita, which one is NOT included under saptasadhana procedures:
A. Mudra B. Shatkarma
C. Pratyahara D. Niyama
50. According to Swami Satyanand Saraswati, in the practice of Laghu-Shankha-Prakshalana which asana is being practiced at third step:
A. Tiryaka Bhujangasana
B. Tiryaka Tadasana
C. Katichakrasana
D. Udarakarshanasana
Answer- 26- (C), 27- (C), 28- (D), 29- (A), 30- (C), 31- (B), 32- (C), 33- (C), 34- (B), 35- (C), 36- (A), 37- (B), 38- (A), 39- (B), 40- (A), 41- (C), 42- (C), 43- (A), 44- (D), 45- (D), 46- (C), 47- (C), 48- (B), 49- (D), 50- (C)
UGC NET Yoga: Year 2019 Paper Q.- 1 to 25
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