Chitta Vritti "Vrttayah-panchtayah-klishta-aklishta" (Yoga Sutra- 1/5) The transformation of the mind is vrtti. Despite being inanimate the Chitta, seems to be living entity due to the reflection of the self in it. It is these changes in the chitta which are known as its Vrittis or modifications. These modifications (vrtti) are due to ignorance and their result is bondage. Maharishi Patanjali has described five types of Chittavrtti– “Pramaana-viparya-vikalpa-nidra-smriti-Vritti" (Yoga Sutra- 1/6) 1. Pramana 2. Viparya 3.Vikalp 4.Nidra 5. Smriti 1. Pramana: "Pratyaksha-anuman-aagamah Pramanani" (Yoga Sutra- 1/7) Like Samkhya philosophy, yoga has also accepted three of Pramanas- Pratyaksh, Anumaan and Aagam. By going outside through the sensation, the Chitta attains the form of obyect. This is known as pramana. 2.Viparya : “Viparyo-Mithya-jnanma-tdrupa-pratistham” (Yoga Sutra- 1/8) The false knowledge of anything is known as viparyaya. That false knowledge i...