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Bandhas and Mudras (YOGA)

 Bandhas and Mudras described in Hatha yoga pradipika

Describing the Bandhas and Mudras in Hatha Yoga Pradipika, it is written-

Mahamudra, Mahabandha, Mahavedha, Khechari, Uddiyanabandha, Mulabandha, Jalandharbandha, Viparitakarani, Vajroli and Shaktichalani are the ten mudras. The one who destroys Jara (old age) and death. Their description is as follows.

1. Mahamudra-

Keeping the heel of the left foot firmly on the seam between the anus and the abdomen, keep the right leg stretched. Firmly hold the toes of the right foot with both hands. After that, after completing the purak, by applying Jalandhar Bandha properly, with the help of Mool Bandha, hold the air in the upward direction. 

After Kumbhak, the air should be exhaled slowly, not with speed. This is called Mahamudra by the deities. Describing the sequence of Mahamudra, it has been said – after practicing it from the side of the moon i.e. the left side, it should also be practiced from the sun side i.e. the right side. Mahamudra should be immersed only after performing Kumbhak in equal number from both the sides.

Benefits of Mahamudra- 

Describing the benefits of Mahamudra, it is said in Hathayogapradipika-

All dry, bitter, acidic, pungent substances, edible and non-edible, with and without juice, are easily digested. A seeker who practices Mahamudra easily digests food that is "like poison". The man who practices Mahamudra does not suffer from diseases like tuberculosis, leprosy, mumps, dropsy, indigestion, anal fissure, fever etc. All the defects of his body are destroyed. '

2. Mahabandha Mudra- 

Describing the Mahabandha Mudra, it has been said that-  Place the heel of the left foot in the vaginal area i.e. between the anus and the abdomen and sit by placing the right foot on the left thigh. After that, inhale through both the nostrils and press the chin firmly into the larynx, by applying Jalandhara bandha, then by compressing the anus region, apply Mool bandha and after doing kumbhaka as much as possible, while concentrating the mind in Sushumna, exhale slowly. Repeat the same activity by changing the position of the feet, i.e. do it equally with the left and right feet.

Benefits of Mahabandha Mudra- 

Describing the benefits of Mahabandha Mudra, it has been said in Hathayogapradipika that- This Mahabandha mudra is definitely going to give great achievements. This is the mudra to free the seeker from the noose of death. This Mahabandha mudra which is the meeting of Ida, Pingala and Sushumna and the Kedar form between the two eyebrows, which is the place of Shiva, is going to achieve that.

3. Mahavedha Mudra- 

While describing Mahavedha Mudra in Hatha Yoga Pradipika, it is said thats- Inhale with both the nostrils by being situated in the Mahabandha posture. Then do Abhyantar Kumbhak. Keep Jalandhara Bandha firmly attached to Kumbhaka. Keeping the palms of both the hands on the ground, during the time of Kumbhak, lift the buttocks up and slap them on the ground. It has been said that by the practice of this Mahavedha, Prana starts getting structured in the Sushamna path by discarding Ida and Pingala. Ida, Pingala and Sushumna are the moon, sun and fire deities. The relation of these three nadis is for the purpose of salvation. When all the three nadis unite, a state similar to death is attained. After coming to such a stage in Kumbhak,  exhale  the air. This is the Mahavedha Mudra.

Benefits of Mahavedha- 

Describing the benefits of Mahavedha mudra, it is said in Hathayoga Pradipika thats - Anima etc. achievements are achieved by the practice of Mahavedha Mudra. There is no contraction of the skin in the body of its abhyasi in old age. Hair doesn't turn white. This mudra also removes the vibrations of the body. That's why great seekers practice this mudra.

4. Khechari Mudra- 

While describing Khechari Mudra, it has been said in Hatha Yoga Pradipika that- Action by chhedan and chaalan, lengthen the tongue so much that it comes out and starts touching the middle of the eyebrows. Then Khechri Mudra should be considered proven. In this piercing process, only the root of the tongue should be pierced with a sharp and pure weapon like a sehdu leaf. After piercing, massage the root of the tongue thoroughly with rock salt and myrobalan powder. Do this activity every morning and evening. Chhedan should be done once a week. By chhedan in this way and then by friction action till the seventh day and piercing again, continuously for six months, the bond of the tongue is cut. Then after the growth of the tongue, turning it over and putting it in the cranial cavity, drinking the Anand Sudha that is secreted from the Brahmarandhra is the Khechari Mudra.

Benefits of Khechari Mudra- 

Describing the benefits of Khechari Mudra, it has been said thats- Disease, death, sleep, hunger, thirst and unconsciousness etc. do not trouble the one who perfects the Khechari Mudra. Its seeker neither indulges in karma, nor is obstructed by the cycle of time. The bindu of its seeker does not ejaculate on embracing a beautiful woman. Even if a snake bites its seeker, the poison does not affect him. Yogis have called this mudra the best.

5. Uddiyana Bandha-

Describing Uddiyana Bandha, it has been said in Hathayogapradipika that-

Niruddha prana inside sushumna is raised by it, so yogis call it as uddiyana bandha. Just as the great bird in the form of an human keeps on flying continuously. Similarly, the condition of life is in this posture, hence it is called Uddiyana. 

Describing the method of this Bandha (Mudra), it has been said- Draw the abdomen up, down and back over the navel. This Uddiyana Bandha is like a lion trying to escape from the elephant of death.

Benefits of Uddiyan Bandh- 

Describing the benefits of Uddiyan Bandh, it has been said thats- The old man who always practices Uddiyan Bandha naturally, according to the path shown by the Guru, also becomes like a young man. By this the seeker conquers death. This Bandh has been described as the best among all the Bandhs and it is said that by its practice the seeker can easily attain liberation.

6. Moolabandha - 

Describing Moolabandha, it has been said in Hatha Yoga Pradipika that- The anus should be contracted by pressing the seevnee with the heel. Then the very name of keeping the Apana Vayu upwards is Moolabandha.

Benefits of Moolabandha- 

Describing the benefits of Moolabandha, it has been said in Hatha Yoga Pradipika thats- Continuous practice of Moolabandha leads to the unity of Apana and Prana. There is deficiency of stool and urine and even the old man becomes young. It is further said that by its practice the fire is ignited. When the fire ignites in the body, its heat awakens the sleeping Kundalini Shakti and enters the Brahmanadi. That's why sadhaks should practice.

7. Jalandhar Bandha - 

Describing the Jalandhar Bandha Mudra, it has been said in Hatha Yoga Pradipika that - Jalandhar Bandha is the name of applying the chin firmly to the heart by narrowing the throat. This Jalandhar Bandha is going to remove old age and death.

 Benefits of Jalandhar Bandha- 

Describing the benefits of Jalandhar Bandha, it has been said that- This Jalandhar Bandha is going to destroy throat defects. It binds the Nadi groups. That's why the Soma secretion, which is secreted from Brahmarandhra, does not get consumed by falling in the navel. Along with this, this Bandh is the bandh that removes the wrath of wind.

8. Viparitakarani Mudra- 

While describing Viparitakarani Mudra, it has been said in Hatha Yoga Pradipika that- By keeping the navel up and the palate down, the solar system goes up and the Somandal goes down. Brahmarandhra has been called Som Mandal here and Surya Mandal has been called Nabhi. This is called Viparitakarani Mudra. It should be done after learning from the Guru. It is further said- On the first day, one should keep the head down and the feet up for a moment. After that, practice should be made to increase it a little more every day.

Benefits of Viparitakarani Mudra- 

Describing the benefits of Viparitakarani Mudra, it has been said in Hatha Yoga Pradipika that-The one who practices it everyday, the fire of his stomach becomes enlightened. Its practitioner should eat enough food. If he eats less, the fire starts burning his body. Wrinkles and white hair do not appear after six months of its practice. One who practices it daily conquers death.

9. Vajroli Mudra- 

Vajroli Mudra has been given great importance in Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Even if a seeker practices Vajroli alone without following the rules of Yoga Shastras, he attains Siddhis. The practice of the method of this mudra is explained as follows-

The practice of contraction of the vagina should be done slowly and thoroughly. By doing this, both men and women get the fruit of Vajroli. Describing the pre-preparation of this mudra, it has been said that air should be attracted from the urethra by slowly inserting a smooth tube of 14 finger length into the penis hole. On the first day only 1 finger of the tube should enter the opening of the penis. In this way, gradually increasing that tube up to 12 fingers should be inserted into the penis hole. This is a very confidential activity, it should always be learned under the guidance of a Guru.

Benefits of Vajroli Mudra- 

Describing the benefits of Vajroli Mudra, it is said thats The seeker of yoga who protects Bindu through Vajroli Mudra conquers premature death because destruction of Bindu is death and protection of Bindu is life. It has been said that by wearing Bindu, fragrance is produced in the body of the seeker. As long as there is a point in the body, there is no fear of time, that is, such a seeker does not die prematurely. The practice of this mudra has been said to achieve the achievement of sky travel etc. It has also been said that the practice of Vajroli gives one the perfection of the body. This merit-giving yogic practice is the practice of liberation while enjoying enjoyment.

10. Shakti Chalini Mudra - 

It has been said in Hatha Yoga Pradipika that Kundalini sleeps by covering the face of the path through which one can reach the Brahmapad without suffering. This Kundalini sleeping in Muladhar is the one who gives salvation to the yogis but for the foolish people it is the reason of bondage. Kundalini has been described as having a zigzag shape like a snake. Its presence in the body is believed to be between Ida and Pingala. Describing the method of power conduction, it has been said that-

That sleeping snake should be woken up by holding its tail. Due to this, that power wakes up suddenly after leaving sleep. That Kundalini located in Muladhar should be filled with Surya Nadi in the morning and evening till half past one hour, holding it tactfully and running it daily. 12 fingers above the original place in the body, the place of tuber in the middle of the navel has been told from where 72000 pulses have originated. Shakti has been asked to move while troubling this place.

Sitting in Vajrasana, firmly hold the ankles of both the feet with both the hands and press the Kandasthan with them. After that practice Bhastrika Kumbhak. Kundalini gets awakened quickly by this. Move the horoscope by contracting the solar pulse located in the navel region. Due to this, how can the seeker who has gone in the face of death have any fear of death, that is, he does not have any fear of death. By running fearlessly in this way for two moments, the energy enters the Sushumna and starts moving upwards.

Benefits of Shakti Chalini Mudra- 

Describing the benefits of Shakti Chalani Mudra, it has been said in Hatha Yoga Pradipika that- The seeker who has guided the Kundalini. Only this Yogi attains Siddhi. What more to say in this regard, that seeker easily conquers death. Those who always observe celibacy and diet, the practitioner of Kundli Chaalan, the symptoms of attaining Siddhi begin to appear within 40 days. This currency is the provider of salvation. So it should be practiced.

Meaning , Definition and Utility of Bandha and Mudra 

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चित्त विक्षेपों को ही योगान्तराय ' कहते है जो चित्त को विक्षिप्त करके उसकी एकाग्रता को नष्ट कर देते हैं उन्हें योगान्तराय अथवा योग के विध्न कहा जाता।  'योगस्य अन्तः मध्ये आयान्ति ते अन्तरायाः'।  ये योग के मध्य में आते हैं इसलिये इन्हें योगान्तराय कहा जाता है। विघ्नों से व्यथित होकर योग साधक साधना को बीच में ही छोड़कर चल देते हैं। विध्न आयें ही नहीं अथवा यदि आ जायें तो उनको सहने की शक्ति चित्त में आ जाये, ऐसी दया ईश्वर ही कर सकता है। यह तो सम्भव नहीं कि विध्न न आयें। “श्रेयांसि बहुविध्नानि' शुभकार्यों में विध्न आया ही करते हैं। उनसे टकराने का साहस योगसाधक में होना चाहिए। ईश्वर की अनुकम्पा से यह सम्भव होता है।  व्याधिस्त्यानसंशयप्रमादालस्याविरतिभ्रान्तिदर्शनालब्धभूमिकत्वानवस्थितत्वानि चित्तविक्षेपास्तेऽन्तरायाः (योगसूत्र - 1/30) योगसूत्र के अनुसार चित्त विक्षेपों  या अन्तरायों की संख्या नौ हैं- व्याधि, स्त्यान, संशय, प्रमाद, आलस्य, अविरति, भ्रान्तिदर्शन, अलब्धभूमिकत्व और अनवस्थितत्व। उक्त नौ अन्तराय ही चित्त को विक्षिप्त करते हैं। अतः ये योगविरोधी हैं इन्हें योग के मल...

"चक्र " - मानव शरीर में वर्णित शक्ति केन्द्र

7 Chakras in Human Body हमारे शरीर में प्राण ऊर्जा का सूक्ष्म प्रवाह प्रत्येक नाड़ी के एक निश्चित मार्ग द्वारा होता है। और एक विशिष्ट बिन्दु पर इसका संगम होता है। यह बिन्दु प्राण अथवा आत्मिक शक्ति का केन्द्र होते है। योग में इन्हें चक्र कहा जाता है। चक्र हमारे शरीर में ऊर्जा के परिपथ का निर्माण करते हैं। यह परिपथ मेरूदण्ड में होता है। चक्र उच्च तलों से ऊर्जा को ग्रहण करते है तथा उसका वितरण मन और शरीर को करते है। 'चक्र' शब्द का अर्थ-  'चक्र' का शाब्दिक अर्थ पहिया या वृत्त माना जाता है। किन्तु इस संस्कृत शब्द का यौगिक दृष्टि से अर्थ चक्रवात या भँवर से है। चक्र अतीन्द्रिय शक्ति केन्द्रों की ऐसी विशेष तरंगे हैं, जो वृत्ताकार रूप में गतिमान रहती हैं। इन तरंगों को अनुभव किया जा सकता है। हर चक्र की अपनी अलग तरंग होती है। अलग अलग चक्र की तरंगगति के अनुसार अलग अलग रंग को घूर्णनशील प्रकाश के रूप में इन्हें देखा जाता है। योगियों ने गहन ध्यान की स्थिति में चक्रों को विभिन्न दलों व रंगों वाले कमल पुष्प के रूप में देखा। इसीलिए योगशास्त्र में इन चक्रों को 'शरीर का कमल पुष्प” कहा ग...


कठोपनिषद (Kathopanishad) - यह उपनिषद कृष्ण यजुर्वेद की कठ शाखा के अन्तर्गत आता है। इसमें दो अध्याय हैं जिनमें 3-3 वल्लियाँ हैं। पद्यात्मक भाषा शैली में है। मुख्य विषय- योग की परिभाषा, नचिकेता - यम के बीच संवाद, आत्मा की प्रकृति, आत्मा का बोध, कठोपनिषद में योग की परिभाषा :- प्राण, मन व इन्दियों का एक हो जाना, एकाग्रावस्था को प्राप्त कर लेना, बाह्य विषयों से विमुख होकर इन्द्रियों का मन में और मन का आत्मा मे लग जाना, प्राण का निश्चल हो जाना योग है। इन्द्रियों की स्थिर धारणा अवस्था ही योग है। इन्द्रियों की चंचलता को समाप्त कर उन्हें स्थिर करना ही योग है। कठोपनिषद में कहा गया है। “स्थिराम इन्द्रिय धारणाम्‌” .  नचिकेता-यम के बीच संवाद (कहानी) - नचिकेता पुत्र वाजश्रवा एक बार वाजश्रवा किसी को गाय दान दे रहे थे, वो गाय बिना दूध वाली थी, तब नचिकेता ( वाजश्रवा के पुत्र ) ने टोका कि दान में तो अपनी प्रिय वस्तु देते हैं आप ये बिना दूध देने वाली गाय क्यो दान में दे रहे है। वाद विवाद में नचिकेता ने कहा आप मुझे किसे दान में देगे, तब पिता वाजश्रवा को गुस्सा आया और उसने नचिकेता को कहा कि तुम ...

ज्ञानयोग - ज्ञानयोग के साधन - बहिरंग साधन , अन्तरंग साधन

  ज्ञान व विज्ञान की धारायें वेदों में व्याप्त है । वेद का अर्थ ज्ञान के रूप मे लेते है ‘ज्ञान’ अर्थात जिससे व्यष्टि व समष्टि के वास्तविक स्वरूप का बोध होता है। ज्ञान, विद् धातु से व्युत्पन्न शब्द है जिसका अर्थ किसी भी विषय, पदार्थ आदि को जानना या अनुभव करना होता है। ज्ञान की विशेषता व महत्त्व के विषय में बतलाते हुए कहा गया है "ज्ञानाग्नि सर्वकर्माणि भस्मसात्कुरुते तथा" अर्थात जिस प्रकार प्रज्वलित अग्नि ईंधन को जलाकर भस्म कर देती है उसी प्रकार ज्ञान रुपी अग्नि कर्म रूपी ईंधन को भस्म कर देती है। ज्ञानयोग साधना पद्धति, ज्ञान पर आधारित होती है इसीलिए इसको ज्ञानयोग की संज्ञा दी गयी है। ज्ञानयोग पद्धति मे योग का बौद्धिक और दार्शनिक पक्ष समाहित होता है। ज्ञानयोग 'ब्रहासत्यं जगतमिथ्या' के सिद्धान्त के आधार पर संसार में रह कर भी अपने ब्रह्मभाव को जानने का प्रयास करने की विधि है। जब साधक स्वयं को ईश्वर (ब्रहा) के रूप ने जान लेता है 'अहं ब्रह्मास्मि’ का बोध होते ही वह बंधनमुक्त हो जाता है। उपनिषद मुख्यतया इसी ज्ञान का स्रोत हैं। ज्ञानयोग साधना में अभीष्ट लक्ष्य को प्राप्त ...

हठयोग प्रदीपिका में वर्णित प्राणायाम

हठयोग प्रदीपिका में प्राणायाम को कुम्भक कहा है, स्वामी स्वात्माराम जी ने प्राणायामों का वर्णन करते हुए कहा है - सूर्यभेदनमुज्जायी सीत्कारी शीतल्री तथा।  भस्त्रिका भ्रामरी मूर्च्छा प्लाविनीत्यष्टकुंम्भका:।। (हठयोगप्रदीपिका- 2/44) अर्थात् - सूर्यभेदन, उज्जायी, सीत्कारी, शीतली, भस्त्रिका, भ्रामरी, मूर्छा और प्लाविनी में आठ प्रकार के कुम्भक (प्राणायाम) है। इनका वर्णन ऩिम्न प्रकार है 1. सूर्यभेदी प्राणायाम - हठयोग प्रदीपिका में सूर्यभेदन या सूर्यभेदी प्राणायाम का वर्णन इस प्रकार किया गया है - आसने सुखदे योगी बदध्वा चैवासनं ततः।  दक्षनाड्या समाकृष्य बहिस्थं पवन शनै:।।  आकेशादानखाग्राच्च निरोधावधि क्रुंभयेत। ततः शनैः सव्य नाड्या रेचयेत् पवन शनै:।। (ह.प्र. 2/48/49) अर्थात- पवित्र और समतल स्थान में उपयुक्त आसन बिछाकर उसके ऊपर पद्मासन, स्वस्तिकासन आदि किसी आसन में सुखपूर्वक मेरुदण्ड, गर्दन और सिर को सीधा रखते हुए बैठेै। फिर दाहिने नासारन्ध्र अर्थात पिंगला नाडी से शनैः शनैः पूरक करें। आभ्यन्तर कुम्भक करें। कुम्भक के समय मूलबन्ध व जालन्धरबन्ध लगा कर रखें।  यथा शक्ति कुम्भक के प...

योग की व्युत्पत्ति और परिभाषा

Etymology and Definition of yoga योग की व्युत्पत्ति और परिभाषा: समय और अर्थ के माध्यम से एक यात्रा योग, एक गहन अभ्यास जो सदियों, संस्कृतियों और भौगोलिक क्षेत्रों से आगे निकल गया है, शारीरिक, मानसिक और आध्यात्मिक कल्याण चाहने वालों के दिलों में एक अद्वितीय स्थान रखता है। भारत में अपनी प्राचीन जड़ों से लेकर दुनिया भर में अपनी आधुनिक लोकप्रियता तक, योग केवल शारीरिक आसनों के एक सेट से कहीं अधिक विकसित हुआ है। "योग" शब्द अपने आप में अर्थों से भरा हुआ है, जो प्राचीन भाषाओं और दर्शन से लिया गया है जो इसकी समग्र प्रकृति को दर्शाते हैं।