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Chitta Vritti - Chitta Bhoomi (Yoga Sutra)

Chitta Vritti "Vrttayah-panchtayah-klishta-aklishta"  (Yoga Sutra- 1/5) The transformation of the mind is vrtti. Despite being inanimate the Chitta, seems to be living entity due to the reflection of the self in it. It is these changes in the chitta which are known as its Vrittis or modifications. These modifications (vrtti) are due to ignorance and their result is bondage. Maharishi Patanjali has described five types of Chittavrtti–  “Pramaana-viparya-vikalpa-nidra-smriti-Vritti" (Yoga Sutra- 1/6) 1. Pramana 2. Viparya 3.Vikalp 4.Nidra 5. Smriti 1. Pramana:  "Pratyaksha-anuman-aagamah Pramanani" (Yoga Sutra- 1/7) Like Samkhya philosophy, yoga has also accepted three of Pramanas- Pratyaksh, Anumaan and Aagam. By going outside through the sensation, the Chitta attains the form of obyect. This is known as pramana. 2.Viparya :  “Viparyo-Mithya-jnanma-tdrupa-pratistham” (Yoga Sutra- 1/8) The false knowledge of anything is known as viparyaya.  That false knowledge i

Gas | Acidity | Flatulence- Causes, Symptoms: Home Remedies for Gas and Acidity

Gas/ Flatulence Excess gas in the stomach is definitely not a good condition, it is also considered bad manners, and many types of physical problems also arise due to excess gas formation in an average amount.If a sour after-taste in the mouth follows a belch, It is a symptom of indigestion and it also means we are expelling gases formed in the stomach. Cause of Gas, Acidity and Flatulence Excessive hot, spicy, fried food. Intake of fats, sweets, adulterated food. Intake of Alcohol. Excessive intake of chocolate, tea, coffee, garlic, onions and excessive smoking. Stress-related conditions like anger, fear, worrying. Excessive exposure to sun and heat.  Treatment of Gas/Flatulence Avoid heavy smoking and pan eating. Cut down drastically on your daily number of cold drinks and cups of tea. Cut off intake of milk and sweets, if these increase gas. Eat less than appetite demands. Eat slowly, fully concentrating on the food, do not indulge in thinking while eating. Avoid onions, tomatoes, p

Sleeplessness: (Insomnia): Causes | Symptoms | Naturopathy treatment for Insomnia

The first question what is insomnia? Insomnia means not being able to sleep, that is, complete lack of sleep. Due to insomnia, a person is deprived of mental rest, as a result of which his routine gets affected. When insomnia becomes a habit, it becomes a serious health problem. The amount of sleep required varies from person to person. For example, 18 to 20 hours of sleep is considered best for a small child. But as age increases, it decreases and for an adult, 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day is sufficient. If the sleep is deep then even 4 to 5 hours are sufficient. Sleep is an essential element for the rest of the body, and a necessary condition for the again recovery of energy. Sleep gives us relief from stress. But if there is no sleep, it gives rise to many problems. There can be many reasons for this disease. What causes insomnia: Poisoning of blood due to diseases like constipation, Doing more brain work, Eating more food before going to sleep, Little or no physical exertion, Get

DIABETES: Home Remedies- Naturopathy Treatment

Diabetes: When for some reason the amount of insulin coming out of the pancreas gland decreases or the release of insulin stops, then the level of glucose in the blood increases due to improper metabolism of blood sugar. This amount of increased sugar cannot be absorbed by the kidneys as well, due to which sugar also starts coming out through urine. This condition of having more than normal blood sugar level is called diabetes. This disease is called Madhuprameha in Ayurveda. The general meaning of diabetes is Madhu, which means honey, and Meha, which means rain (falling like water), thus diabetes means excreting urine like honey. There are two main types of diabetes: insulin dependent diabetes and non-insulin dependent diabetes. Here we are telling you the some home remedies for diabetes and Naturopathy Treatment; you can get benefits by using them at home. Home Remedies for Diabetes Amla: (Indian gooseberry) fresh juice 10ml and 2 grams pure haldi (turmeric) powder well mixed and t

Ashtang Yoga: (Yoga Sutra)

 Ashtang Yoga: Maharishi Patanjali The purpose of human life is to be free from worldly sufferings and immersed in the supreme soul and attain blissful bliss. A Man the fascination of the world is associated with Maya, suffering from sorrow and suffering. To avoid these sorrows and to achieve a final merger with the eternal, man must adopt one of the paths of Karma Yoga, Dhyana Yoga. These are actually different systems that lead a man to the same goal. The purpose of human life is not to be born again and again, but to experience eternal bliss or unity with supreme bliss.  The word 'yoga' is derived from the root 'yuj' which means union or merger. Yoga is the experience of the merging of the soul with God and oneness with Him. The state of Samadhi can be attained through yoga. Such effort is possible only through control of the sense organs and through continuous practice and detachment. 'Return of the sense organs from worldly things and their control is yoga'


Nadanusandhan According to HathYoga Pradipika Nadanusandhan means research of sound. In the fourth chapter of Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Swami Swatmaram ji has described the practice of Nadanusandhan.  There are two types of Naads- Aahata Naad and Anahata Naad.  Aahata Naad like- are popular like Tabla, Sarangi, Harmonium, Dholak, Manjira, Veena etc., which are played by blowing. These are useful for music.  Anahata Naad is that which the seeker has to hear from within in his spiritual practice. For these, one should first try to concentrate on the gross and gradually leaving the gross and meditating on the subtle. This concentration is what gives the state of samadhi. When rhythm of the mind, the work of nadanusandhan of is completed. First of all, different types of sounds are heard. As the practice becomes firm, subtler and more subtle sounds begin to be heard. First Sea, Cloud, Waterfall etc. In the middle the soft sound of Bheri  etc. and in the end the sound of Kinkini, Flute, Veena,

Chit Prasadanam - Yogasutra

 Chit Prasaadan Ke Upaay According to the Yogasutra- "Maitri-karuna-mudita-upekshaam-sukh-duhkha-puny-apunya-vishayanayam-bhavnaatasya-chittaprasadanam" (Yogasutra- 1/33) "मैत्री-करुण-मुदिता-उपेक्षाम्-सुख-दुःख-पुण्य-अपुण्य-विषयनायम्-भावनातस्य-चित्तप्रसादनम्" (योगसूत्र- 1/33) Friendship, Compassion, Happiness and Indifference - these four types of feelings purify the mind. And is capable of controlling instincts. There should be a feeling of friendship among well-to-do men, a feeling of kindness towards unhappy people. Should keep a sense of joy  in The Holy Spirit men and a sense of indifference in men with a sinful nature. These feelings purify the mind. A pure mind soon attains concentration. There are all kinds of people in the world, happy, sad, virtuous and sinners. It is natural for the common people to have attachment, malice etc. towards such persons according to their thoughts. Seeing a person happy, attachment to another favorable person develops in him, h