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सांख्य दर्शन में वर्णित 25 तत्व pdf Download

  सांख्य दर्शन में वर्णित 25 तत्व सांख्य दर्शन के प्रणेता महर्षि कपिल है यहाँ पर सांख्य शब्द का अर्थ ज्ञान के अर्थ में लिया गया सांख्य दर्शन में प्रकृति पुरूष सृष्टि क्रम बन्धनों व मोक्ष कार्य - कारण सिद्धान्त का सविस्तार वर्णन किया गया है इसका संक्षेप में वर्णन इस प्रकार है।


UGC NET YOGA MCQ IN HINDI WITH ANSWERS  Set-1 नोट :- इस प्रश्नपत्र में (25) बहुसंकल्पीय प्रश्न है। प्रत्येक प्रश्न के दो (2) अंक है। सभी प्रश्न अनिवार्य ।   1. योग ' शब्द की व्युत्पत्ति संस्कृत की किस धातु से हुई है ?   1. युग्      2. युगे      3. युज् ‌      4. युजे     

Constipation Cause- Naturopathy Treatment for Constipation

 Constipation has become a common complaint in today's hectic lifestyle, but in elderly people this problem is more common and the problem of constipation affects seven out of every ten people. Constipation is a disease of the intestines due to which there is difficulty in defecation, Headache, restlessness, Lack of appetite, Nausea, Bad breath, Heaviness in the stomach, Mouth ulcers, insomnia and irritability.

Research Aptitude MCQ for UGC NET Paper-1

These Research Aptitude MCQ most important for NTA UGC NET JRF SET Paper-1, Research Aptitude MCQ for UGC NET JRF SET Paper1, Research Aptitude MCQ in English Q. 1- Action research is (1) A practical research (2) Research, which is done to solve immediate problems (3) Longitudinal research (4) Analog research

Research Aptitude MCQ for UGC NET JRF Paper-1

Research Aptitude MCQ for UGC NET Paper1, Research Aptitude MCQ in English, most important Research Aptitude MCQ for NET JRF SET Paper-1 Q. 1 - A researcher is expected to- (1) Study the literature available in a field (2) Discover new rules and principles (3) Coordinate the ideas made by others (4) Evaluate the discovery made by others Q. 2 - A feature of research (1) Repetition (2) Generalization (3) Utility (4) Objectivity Q. 3- The Government of India conducts census after every 10 years. Which method is used in this method? (1) Individual Studies (2) Developmental (3) Survey (4) Experimental Q. 4- The members of an organization of teachers of a subject gathered for review of their work and for future planning. This type of action is called (1) Conference (2) Seminar (3) Workshop (4) Dialogue Q. 5- A researcher studied the census data of a particular area and did writing work based on it. Would call this work-  (1) Research paper (2) Articles (3) Thesis (4) Research report Q...